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Amarcort Film Festival 11th edition - Rimini (italy) - November 14th-18th, 2018

Amarcort Film Festival 11th edition - Rimini (italy) - November 14th-18th, 2018

November 14th-18th, 2018 - RIMINI (ITALY)

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Lucia Lentini

Actress (theatre, cinema, television, radio), radio and TV host, dubbing actress, dialogue writer, dubbing director. Delivery and diction, subtitling and acting instructor, and film dialogue adaptation editor. Theatre Producer. Teacher and organizer of international dubbing courses for Professional formation and dialogue adaptors and subtitling courses within the "BABEL" Project and the European Social Fund, (EEC) held by the A.N.C.A.M. VOXVIDEO Cultural Association in collaboration with Regione Toscana. She has supervised dubbing work experience courses for the Lugano Visual Arts Conservatory (Switzerland). Teacher in the specialized advanced course for executives on "Public Speaking: the art of effective communication". Is finishing the course of Art Therapy.
Professional dancer, she attended the Rome School of Dance and got her specialization in New York.

Ivana Kvesic

Ivana Kvesic (1978) is part of the selection committee for the International Competition at "Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur" and has implemented several projects for the festival, like Balkan Xpress (a road trip within Balkan countries, exhibition, documentary short film), Wir sind Fussball (open-air screening of a curated football program) and Kurz Kunst Kino (life-performance combined with short film screenings).
Ivana is as well director of the Youth Film Festival "Schweizer Jugendfilmtage" in Zurich, where she has launched a documentary film workshop in the Balkan region for youngsters. In addition, she is also a programmer for the oldest open-air cinema in Zurich called "Film am See", a project of Rote Fabrik. Further, she is president and programmer of the cinema association Kino Nische in Winterthur. She is an Executive Committee Member of "SWAN – Swiss Woman's Audiovisual Network" and of "Zürich für den Film". The empowerment of women is an important concern and she is willing to set a sign for diversity. She holds a master's degree in Economics from the University of Zurich, a CAS in Cultural Management and is currently studying at Hyperwerk – Post-Industrial Design in Basel. In the last 8 years, she has developed several cultural projects on her own, such as exhibitions, performances and open-air cinema events.

Pouria Heydar

Pouria Heidary Oureh è nato nel 1984 a Teheran, in Iran. Sin da giovane si è interessato alle arte visive e performative e allo storytelling, in particolare attraverso il disegno. Si è laureato in Cinema Digitale presso il SAE Institute di Dubai e in Comunicazione Pubblicitaria all'East Mediterranean University di Cipro del Nord.
Ha lavorato con rinomati registi iraniani sia in patria che all'estero, prima di intraprendere lui stesso il lavoro di regista. Da allora ha iniziato a girare i propri film. Il film d'esordio di Pouria Heidary Oureh "Apricot Groves" rappresenta il film di maggiore diffusione internazionale della storia del cinema armeno, essendo stato selezionato per più di 95 film festival internazionali, oltre che la co-produzione di maggior successo del cinema iraniano.
È il fondatore di Three Gardens Film, una casa di produzione che ha realizzato film di successo selezionati in film festival di prim'ordine in tutto il mondo. Three Gardens Film è anche una delle migliori aziende di supporto tecnico cinematografico nel Medio Oriente. Come produttore, ha co-prodotto film in Iran, Armenia, Francia, Repubblica Ceca, Italia, Serbia, Croazia, Polonia, Cile e Qatar.

Emanuela Ponzano

Emanuela Ponzano was born in Brussels in Belgium but she has Italian nationality, she is actress and director for theatre and cinema. She lives and works between Rome and Paris. She got a degree in Political Science at Free University of Brussels in 1995 and another one in Dramatic Art at the National Accademy of Liègi in Belgium in 2000. (the headmaster of the school was Jacques Delcuvellerie, master of the écoles des Maitres). In the film industry she works with John Irvin, Philippe Garrel, Maurizio Zaccaro, Giulio Base, René Manzor and she studies with the Dardenne brothers, Philippe Blasband, Frédérique Fonteyne. She studies also the Strasberg method in Rome with Mickael Margotta and Joseph Ragno, both professor at the Actor's Studio, with Vincenzo Attingenti and Susan Batson. In 2006, as director, she is one of the finalists of the Belgium Drama Award with the performance of "Sogno (ma forse no)" of Luigi Pirandello. In 2008 she obtains the Italian National Artistic Award "Filomena Carrara" for her artistic journey and for the performance "La Più Forte" di A. Strindberg - homage to Ingmar Bergman - on scene at the theatre Ambra Jovinelli of Rome in the same year. Always in 2008 she realizes two short films "Bagnasciuga" and "Riflessi", this last in 2010 was the winner of the third edition of the Cortovisione Festival IFF as best short film, followed by the Special Female Critics Award and the honourable mention at the I'VE SEEN FILMS IFF 2010 of Rutger Hauer in Milan. Always in 2010, she co-runs and co-produces Reminder, a promo spot for Save the children with Enrico Lo Verso. In 2013 she is in contest as actress at the 70th Venice Film Festival with the film of Philippe Garrel "La Jalousie" with Louis Garrel and Anna Mouglalis. In 2016 she realizes the fictional short film "La Slitta" selected for the 2016 Nastri d'Argento and for more than 110 International Festival with more than 40 awards won. In 2017 "La Slitta" qualified as a candidate for the 2018 Oscar. At present she develops the script of his first long film and of a tv series.

Eti Tsicko

A graduate of The Steve Tisch School of Film & Television at Tel Aviv University. Her short films "Daswarilli" (Stained) and "Audition" have been screened in festivals in Israel and all over the world. "Resen" (Dog Leash), her graduation short Film was selected to the Cinefondation official Competition of Cannes Film Festival in 2012.
In 2014 Eti received a development grant from the Israeli Film Fund for her first Feature Film "As If You Were Never Here" (working title). in 2018 she received the Ronit Elkabetz production fund grant and joined "Lama Productions". The film is set to shoot in winter 2020. Eti has formerly worked as the head of industry at the Tel Aviv Student film festival and the Jerusalem film festival and she is currently the head of Public relations & Distribution at the Steve Tisch School of Film & Television at Tel Aviv University.

Giovanni Bogani

Giovanni Bogani was born and still lives in Florence. Since 1987, he has worked as journalist for "La Nazione" and "Il resto del Carlino" and has reviewed more than three thousand movies. During his career has interviewed actors, directors and producers: from Federico Fellini to Robert Altman, from Michelangelo Antonioni to Wim Wenders.
Together with Carlo Verdone, he has directed for some years the Terra di Siena Film Festival. He is the artistic director of Montecatini Short Film Festival. He contributes to the RAI (Italian Radio and TV broadcasting station) TV program "Cinematografo" as movie critic. He has won the "Domenico Meccoli" award for movie critic and the "Adelio Ferrero" award. He teaches screenwriting and movie journalism at "Immagina" school of Florence.

Antonino De Pace

He practices law since 1982 and in 1995 he has become a member of the coordination of CE.A.G.-Centro di Azione Giuridica di Legambiente, where he coordinates the disputes set by environmental organisations. He is a film critic and writer for Diari di Cineclub and, respectively a magazine and a web page about movies and film critics, where he also curates reports from several national and international Film Festivals (Venice Film Festival, African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival in Milan, Turin Film Festival, Asian Film Festival of Reggio Emilia, Napoli Film Festival, Cinemambiente in Turin, etc.). He collaborates with national and regional newspapers, taking care of film features, and has written an essay called"Paul Schrader un cineasta americano atipico tra indipendenza e influenze europee"("Paul Schrader, a cinematographer between independence and European influences") contained in the volume "Paul Schrader: il cinema della trascendenza" ("Paul Schrader: transcendental cinema") (Mimesis edizioni, 2016).
As speaker, he has taken part to several meetings and other initiatives about cinema.
He is a member of the National Board of the Presidency Office of FICC (Italian Federation of Movie Clubs) and is the president of "Cesare Zavattini" Movie Club in Reggio Calabria. He curates festivals, retrospectives and film events and has collaborated to the organisation of events such as The International Festival of Movie Clubs and Pentedattilo Film Festival. Since 2013, he has organised the national event "Visioni di cine(ma) indipendente". He has worked in the juries of several film and documentary festivals.

Enrico Zoi

What were his passions? Family, cinema, theatre, journalism, music and poetry. Enrico Zoi, born in Florence in 1959 and graduated in literature with a thesis concerning a poem of the 16th-century ("L'Italia liberata dai Goti" of Giangiorgio Trissino), he had written several books including two poetic collection. Moreover, some of his lyric poems appeared in literary reviews such as "Salvo Imprevisti" and "Tracce". Since September, he works as cultural councillorship for the municipality of Florence, but he has written press release for 25 years for the municipality of Bagno a Ripoli and Impruneta (and not just), he published thousands of interviews, articles, cinema and theatre reviews and word-search puzzles, and he has seen about 6000 films. He is Alessandro Benvenuti's cinema biographer together with Philippe Chellini (two books) and he is the author of the volume concerning the twentieth anniversary of the "Ciclone" of Leonardo Pieraccioni. He was part of the jury for "Underflorence" (Florence Film Festival, 1991), for "Under Rock – Futurock" a Firenze (1992), for "Schermi Irregolari" (2001 - 2016 - 2017), for "Amarcort Film Festival" (2014 - 2016 - 2017), for "Cartoon Club" (2018).
He's credited also with an editorial football raid, having written a book "Firmamento Viola" about his favourite football team: Fiorentina. Recently, he makes a foray into dramatic writing, with his monologue "Zenrico, o il suo clone" (co-author Massimo Blaco) and his two monologues for cinema "As time goes by" dedicated to Humphrey Bogart and "Dr Jekyll e Mister(o) Totò" is an obvious tribute to the Prince of the Laugh.

Francesca Fabbri Fellini

Born in Bologna in 1965 under the sign of Gemini with Libra rising, Francesca lived the first 19 years of her life in Rimini, with her parents Maria Maddalena Fellini and her dad Giorgio Fabbri, a pediatrician. At 23 she got a degree in Languages and Foreign Literature and in 1987 she signed her first writing with Rai, for the program "Muoviamoci su Raidue" with Sidney Rome, for 180 episodes. After this experience, Francesca signed many more contracts with Rai, from 1999 to 2006 she was one of the correspondents for "La vita in diretta" with Michele Cucuzza on Raiuno. She worked with authors like Michele Guardi, Enza Sampò, Licia Colò.
From 1993 to 1997 she collaborated with RTL 102.5, taking care of cinema and, thanks to this experience, she became a professional journalist.
From 2004 to 2006 she writes and hosts still for RTL: "Asa NIsi MAsa - L'ANIMA del cinema", taking its name from the magical phrase repeated by Guido/Mastroianni, protagonist of "Otto e mezzo". Francesca decited to give this title to her broadcast as tribute to her uncle "CHICCO".
In 2008-2009 she takes care of directing the night/event for the 100 years of Grand Hotel in Rimini, nel 2008 she hosts the closing night/event MYSFEST in Cattolica; from 2009 to 2012 she hosts the cerimony Centro Inter19 nazionale Ricerche Pio Manzù; from 2012 she invents and hosts the meeting festival "Gli Attori con Tè", she realizes new interviews to Collaboratori del Maestro Federico Fellini (Dante Ferretti, Fiammetta Profili, Ferruccio Castronuovo, Sergio Rubini, Moraldo Rossi) for the "Working Progress": "Ricordando FELLINI", at the BIF&ST 2013 she takes care of the exhibit "100 Disegni Fellini", a tribute to Federico Fellini; for the publishing industry in 2013 she has been curator of 2nd Edition of the Volume: "A Tavola con Fellini" (Publishing House: Rare Earth).

Gianfranco Miro Gori

Events and international festivals, and wrote a large number of articles, essays, and books about cinema: his last book "Le radici di Fellini romagnolo del mondo" was published one year ago.

Roy Menarini

He is a teacher and a film critic. He teaches Cinema and Cultural Industry at the University of Bologna, Rimini's Campus. He runs the magazine "Cinergie – Il cinema e le altre arti". He studies the transformation of the film culture and he published several volumes dedicated to the Italian cinema history and to the contemporary cinema. Recently he has written "Cinema e fantascienza" (clueb), "Il corpo nel cinema" (Bruno Mondadori/Pearson), and "Il discorso e lo sguardo" (Diabasis). He is a consultant for festival and for institutions of fil culture.

Pouria Heydar
Sabrina Zanetti
Enrico Zoi
Giuditta Mascia Cabrera

School: Liceo Artistico Volta/Fellini - Riccione
Class: IV D
Specialization: Audiovisivo e Multimediale

Filiberto Filanti

School: Liceo Artistico Volta/Fellini - Riccione
Class: IV D
Specialization: Audiovisivo e Multimediale

Alessandro Pavlovic

School: Liceo Artistico Volta/Fellini - Riccione
Class: IV A
Specialization: Audiovisivo e Multimediale

Asia Lucia Rocchi

School: Liceo Artistico Volta/Fellini - Riccione
Class: IV D
Specialization: Filmica

Beatrice Rosa

School: Liceo Artistico Volta/Fellini - Riccione
Class: IV D
Specialization: Audiovisivo e Multimediale

Joyce Grech

Joyce Grech studied at the University of Malta and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre Studies and Communications, a Post Graduate diploma in Education and a Masters degree in Communications, with a specialisation in Journalism. She has also followed a course organized by the ETC (Malta) and the London Film & Television School as Assistant Director and Location Management and a course entitled Developing Your Audience organised by the Independent Cinema Office (UK) held in Croatia.
Joyce Grech served as Acting Head of Education 22 (Educational television channel), Head of the Malta Drama Centre and Executive Director of the National Book Council. Joyce is a Founding member of the Malta Film Foundation and is the Executive Producer and a member of the jury of The Malta Short Film Festival which has been broadcast on TVM for the past ten years.
Joyce worked as a media presenter and producer for over 20 years. She has directed television productions ranging from talk shows, children's programming and sport programmes and presented magazine, children, youth, cultural and discussion programmes. Joyce has also presented and produced radio programmes in Maltese and English and contributed as journalist and critic for the print medium in newspapers and magazines. She has been awarded the Broadcasting Authority Best Children's Programme and also the Malta Television Awards award for Best Cultural Programme with Tony Parnis. The Malta Short Film Festival has also been a recipient of the EFFE quality label twice. She has also been chosen as an international journalist to report various international press conferences in Brussels, London and France.
Joyce has directed a one-act play by leading Maltese dramatist Alfred Sant, together with Bernard Shaw's Mrs Warren's Profession for MADC Theatre Company at the Manoel Theatre, Malta's national theatre. She has also worked for a number of years providing PR and marketing services together with coordinating and presenting entertainment performances for international incentive groups. She has edited a number of publications, supervised translations and was National Expert for various EU projects related to Media and Communications. Joyce has also led a number of PR and Marketing projects for various clients including the University of Malta, international theatre productions and organized many national events in the media and entertainment spheres.
Joyce has taught students of all ages drama, media and English as a foreign language. She has worked as a teacher, conducted educational workshops in schools for European projects, worked as Assistant Lecturer at the University of Malta and also lectured in countries such as Bulgaria and Romania for international projects. She has managed projects for various local and international funding bodies, including, 6th Framework (Horizon), Lifelong Learning, Creative Europe and local funds, Malta Arts Fund, Good Causes Fund, Kreattiv, Local Culture Initiative Fund and Cultural Partnership Agreement. Currently she is employed by the Ministry of Justice Local Government and Culture working on EU policy mainly in the areas of human rights, media and justice and consulting on the Creative Europe project, EU collective plays.

Marco Martellini

Caricaturist, illustrator and character designer he cooperates with magazines and advertising agencies. He realizes covers and illustration for various publishing houses (Rizzoli, Sperling, Kowalski, COMIX, Il Capitello, etc).
He also worked with the inventor of the Brucomela and with the author of "I 2 liocorni", drawing the protagonist of the video. He is a teacher at the Marche Comic School. His last comic is "Pecchè" written by the stand-up comedian Carmine Faraco and published by Nicola Pesce Editore. Caricaturist and illustrator, he works with editor, publishing houses, with the inventor of the Brucomela and with the author of "I 2 liocorni".
He drew the comic "Pecchè" for EdizioniNPE. He is a teacher at the Rimini Comic School.

Sabrina Zanetti

Born in Rimini in 1963, graduated in sociology with a specialization in mass communications and a master's thesis on animation films.
From 1990 she has been working in the field of social research, particularly on issues such as juvenile disadvantage, intercultural disciplines and mass media.
She is an expert in cinema and mass communications and has worked extensively in various cultural activities of the city of Rimini, collaborating on the organization of a large number of events dealing with music, film and visual arts.
Since 1991 she has been taking care of the ACLI Rimini cultural activity,from the association activities (music clubs, dance, theater, photography and movie culture) to "Progetto Immagine", a special project including various activities and events dedicated to the world of communications.
In 1984 she organizes two video-film events and since 1991 she becomes their Artistic Director:
"Round - Video film festival for short films, dedicate to independent authors" (1984/2012).
"Cartoon Club - International Festival of animation, comics and games".
Since 1999, she's been organizeing activities and cultural events for the detained of the Prison of Rimini.
From 2000 to 2008 she has been president of the ACLI of Rimini Province.
From 1999 to 2009 she has coordinated the activities of the Social Services of the town of Verucchio.
From 2001 to 2003 she has coordinated the activities of the Culture of the Municipality of Riccione.
From 2005 to 2013 she has been president and director of "Foundation Enaip S. Zavatta" which organizes training courses and social activities.
From 2008 to 2013 she has been managing director of CO.AP. Cooperativa Comunità Aperta a.r.l. that manages radio channels, TV and web in the Rimini province.
In 1998, together with the musician Andrea Felli of Acanto Snc, she founded a sound research center located in Rimini which includes a professional recording studio called Farmhouse, a recording label and music publishings.

GIRONZALON JURY (composed by campus "Emilia-Romagna welcomes Europe" students)
Alessandro Bavestrello
Arianna Giuffrida
Benedetta Bronchi
Camilla Maldini
Clarissa Cecchini
Cristina Sodano
Elena Valeanu
Elisabetta Zanni
Emanuele Gobbi
Federica Bartolini
Francesca Crociati
Giorgia Apuzzo
Linda Zappaterra
Lorenzo Rostas
Loretta Amadori
Luca Cola
Luna Evangelisti
Mattia Abbondanza
Nicola Capelli
Sara Della Corna
Sara Todorovic
Silvia Bonato
Simone Forti
Sofia Di Pietro
Swami Fusaroli
Vanessa Semprini
Vera Della Scala
Vincenza Pulvirenti
Viola Dini
Ce l'ho Corto
Art. Dir. of Maddalena Bianchi

Graduated from DAMS with a thesis concerning the Spaghetti Western with Mexican setting, she's looking further into the dynamics of short films' distribution in Italy for her specialist degree in CITEM. Through collaboration with Kinodromo and through the foundation of the association C-Movie, of which he is the president, she organizes with nine friends the exhibition "Ce l'ho Corto" with other events such as "Talk Short", "Video Killed The Radio Star" and "Ce l'ho Porno".
"Ce l'ho Corto" is the name of a short film festival born in Bologna, during spring in 2015. Composed by 4 festivals with 4 events each, it hosted 3 editions of "Talk Short" a round table between young directors who submit their scripts to professionals in the industry; 2 editions of "Video Killed the Radio Star", a festival about amateur music videos; 2 nights projecting short movies and 2 projecting full-lenght films at Cinema Europa for the "Ce l'ho Porno" project, thought and realized with the girls of the InsidePorn research group.

Ennesimo film festival
Art. Dir. of Mirco Marmiroli e Federico Ferrari

Mirco Marmiroli (1984) and Federico Ferrari (1987) deal with communication as videomakers and social media managers. Since 2012 they have organised cinema-based cultural events and visual education workshops in lower secondary schools, involving up to 500 students every year.
Since 2016, Mirco Marmiroli (1984) and Federico Ferrari (1987) have directed Ennesimo Film Festival, an international short movie competition taking place in Fiorano Modenese. The event is organised by Tilt Associazione Giovanile, whose board is made up by 9 associates all under 35. During the next three years the association will be funded by the "Funder 35", a national tender for cultural organisations promoting the arts.

MalatestaShort Film Festival
Art. Dir. of e Org. Marco Solfrini

Creator of the MalatestaShort Film Fest (Cesena), handles general coordination, social and technical/computer management.
MalatestaShort Film Festival: its third edition will be held in Cesena on 25th - 26th - 27th March 2019 at "Multisala Cinema Eliseo". The festival was born with the aim to promote short movie's cinematic form. Short cinema world anticipates the incoming trends in cinema: with a short movie you can experiment and dare with form and unusual narrative styles. The short form, especially in artistic and documentary fields, grants the freedom to be something else from cinema itself: diary, reflection, pure gaze, relation.

Soundscreen film festival
Art. Dir. of Albert Bucci

Alberto "Albert" Bucci is the artistic director of Soundscreen Film Festival (cinema and music) and former artistic director of Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest. He has taught screenwriting at IULM University of Milan and has been an executive producer for TV commercials. In a parallel life, he also owns a degree in Theoretical Physics. Soundscreen Film Festival is an international film festival where music, international contests, landscapes, tributes and live additions of sounds play a prominant role.

Alex Orlowski

A creative and an international communication strategist, Alex Orlowski establishes himself in the communication environment as director of countless music videos and TV commercials. His extensive experience as producer of commercials, clips, online creativity and any kind of communication material has lead him to expand on the phenomenon of viral videos on social media and to understand how to change mass opinion by sharing particular contents and making a reasonable usage of social network.
Founder and president of Water on Mars, an international agency specialised in strategies and creative contents for social media, Orlowski is one of the world's leading experts on political marketing online. As social media expert, he has followed municipal elections in many cities with more than 10 milion inhabitants and worked for the candidates during their presidential campaigns abroad.

Pepsy Romanoff

Giuseppedomingo Romano AKA Pepsy Romanoff (14-11-1977) director and art director, founder with Maurizio Vassallo of Except, milanese producting company with more than 300 video productions, divided between live shows, tv formats, music videos and art-films.
He handled the directing for several music tv programs such as Rapture – Live From Running Club – Un giorno da Cani, for All Music and Deejay TV. Some of his most important productions are live shows for many international and italian artists like Dave Gahan and Soulsavers (Depeche Mode) - N.E.R.D & Pharell Williams, Tinie Tempah, I Blame Coco, Busta Rhymes, Little Dragon, Ghost 40 Poet, Joan as Police Woman, Vasco Rossi, Franco Battiato, Ezio Bosso, Vinicio Capossela, Pino Daniele, Club Dogo, Marracash, Guè Pequeno, Casino Royale, Subsonica, Le Luci della Centrale Elettrica and many more. He realized and directed many music videos, including Gué Pequeno, Club Dogo, Samuele Bersani, Giuliano Palma, Francesco Sarcina, Mannarino, Verdena, Incognito, Clementino, Thori & Rocce and last but not least Vasco Rossi for "Come vorrei" and "Un mondo migliore", rewarded as best videoclip in 2016.
He handled directing and creative supervision for many Sky Arte HD programs since its birth, including some of the most important italian singers' monographies: Pino Daniele and James Senese in "Nero a Metà", Vasco Rossi in "Ogni Volta Vasco", Franco Battiato "Le nostre Anime", Ezio Bosso in "12TH Room", Mauro Pagani PFM in "ProgRevolution", Piero Ciampi "La storia", Raiz, Carmen Consoli, Roberto Vecchioni, Elio e le Storie Tese, Eduardo Bennato, Francesco Guccini, Francesco De Gregori and Caparezza in the "Bonus Track" series, Dave Gahan & Soul Savers in "Live Session", Le Luci della Centrale Elettrica in Talking Music, Skin and Skunk Anansie, Franz Ferdinand and Joan as Police Woman in Meet the Rockers (...).
In 2014 as director of photography he signs his first movie for the big screen, "THE LACK", directed by Masbedo duo (Jacopo Bedogni and Nicolò Massazza) and presented in world premiere at the 71st Mostra del Cinema di Venezia, during Giornate degli Autori session.
In March 2016, distribuited by QMI-Stardust, in 280 italian theaters gets screened "TUTTO IN UNA NOTTE", Vasco Rossi's livefilm from his last tour in LiveKom015 stadiums, shot on 4th July 2015 in Naples.
In 2015, with producer Dj Shablo (Thaurus) and visual artist Ok Rocco (HelloSavants!) he founds the factory-label named AVANTGUARDIA, a label representing new musical-visual italian production, an art and music experimental project.
On 1st december 2017 gets opened in theaters his second music film for big screens, produced by Universal-Giamaica-Except and distribuited by Stardust-Qmi "VASCO MODENA PARK – IL FILM", about Vasco Rossi's world record concert with more than 220.000 people and a live coverage for both cinema and tv. Currently he's writing his first tv series and pre-producing an art film.
Two new important projects are currently on their way: the first, out in November, is produced by Studio+ and Universal and distributed by Tim Vision. The mini-series, which will have the famous Italian rapper Guè Pequeño as main character, represents a meeting point between fiction and music videos. The second one, coming out in March 2019, is an art film on Tintoretto's life and the plague of Venice produced by Sky Hub and distributed across the world by Nexo Digital. A docudrama on the life of the famous Russian playwright Anton Cechov, starring Vinicio Marchioni and Milena Mancini, is currently being produced by Except and Anton. At present, he is writing two tv series in collaboration with Vinicio Marchioni and Solaris Media.

Diego Spagnoli

Diego Spagnoli, born in 1959, lived his childhood in the mountains and plains of the province of Brescia, despite the course of study that led him to obtain the diploma of Surveyor, has always welcomed the Art of Music in his life because considered by him the only source able to keep it alive. In addition to a well-known phrase by Frank Zappa of which he is a great Fan his motto is "We are the ideas we have!". The passion for music has accompanied him since his adolescence, there are various attempts at a professional approach, as long as in 1982 he promote a concert of Vasco Rossi in his city, and from there life changes radically, until becoming the Stage Manager more popular in our country, it is because of the success of the singer, but also and especially for a part that has into the Blasco show where dressed up with improbable attires, introduce the band and entertains the observant audience with phrases of philosophical character and of lived life.
He has had many experiences with Artists of high level also internationally. Diego is a multifaceted character, who has made of passion a profession, but above all he is a person who always tries to make dreams come true to those who deserve it. He is currently busy on many fronts: making the next appointment of the national Vasco, and studying to create fun spaces and socializing only for minors, has a couple of musical projects as a producer and dubmaster and some courses for professional teaching as a speaker. His favorite directors are Fellini, Eastwood and Kubrick.

Luca Caprara
Art. Dir. of Corto Dorico Film Festival

Luca Caprara was born in Fano in 1974. He is a screenwriter and producer of short movies, video clips, educational videos and advertisements. Moreover, he curates courses, meetings and workshops about cinema.
Since 1998, he has collaborated with several radio broadcasting stations, such as Radio-Fano (Fano-PU), RadioEsmeralda (Fano-PU), Mondoradio (Lecce), Veronica Hit Radio (Pesaro), Rsm-Radio San Marino (Republic of San Marino) and Radio Linea (Macerata). He has been a fixture with his own daily cinema feature on SanMarino TV within the program Terrazza Kursaal (on SKY and digital terrestrial). He has produced and presented web features about cinema. He has moderated and presented guests (directors and actors) several times during film festivals and previews.
He has collaborated as selector during the Ozu Film Festival in Sassuolo (MO) and is now a member of the Artistic Committee of Festival del Corto Dorico in Ancona. Starting this year, he has also become Co-Artistic Director of this festival, together with Daniele Ciprì. He has realised two recital dedicated to Marcello Mastroianni and Monica Vitti. Among his sceneries we would like to mention the short movie Sotto il mio giardino (under my garden), produced by the Experimental Cinematography Centre in Rome, which has been awarded the Italian Golden Globe and several awards abroad. Now, he is working on the scenery for a long movie coproduced between Italy and Belgium, which should be produced by 2019/2020.

Gianluca Castellini
Art. Dir. of Sedicicorto Film Festival

He organizes cineforum activities, and film literacy. Since 2004, he has been Artistic Director of the Forlì International Film Festival SEDICICORTO. In 2008, he promotes FEDIC D'ORO, a circuit involving 12 Festival and 30 Cineclub. In 2009, he is appointed Director of FEDIC (Italian Federation of Cineclubs). Since 2011, he has been Artistic Director of ANIMARE Festival of Cesenatico.
In 2013, he promotes international network EUROSHORT involving nine European countries. Since 2014, he is representative of REFF circuit (Network Fedic Festival), that includes 15 Italian Festival. He is part of the Committe that promotes the CNC (National Short Film Centre). He has participated as a juror and selector to various National and International Festival. He collaborates with several Italian and International Festival to promote the network of distribution for the short film.

Marcello Corvino
Art. Dir. of Bellaria Film Festival

Marcello Corvino is the producer of Corvino Produzioni, an association that organisesconcerts and shows, whose main premise is located in Bolougne. Among its most successful projects, it is worth mentioning the shows with the astrophysicist Margherita Hack, the matematician Piergiorgio Odifreddi, the journalists Edmondo Berselli, Corrado Augias, Marco Travaglio, Federico Rampini, Andrea Scanzi, Pino Aprile, Oliviero Beha, Claudio Sabelli Fioretti and Giorgio Lauro, the magistrates Gherardo Colombo, Giuseppe Ayala, Bruno Tintim, the writers Vincenzo Cerami and Stefano Benni, the director Lina Wertmuller and the street priest Don Andrea Gallo. Besides his idea of theatre-testament, he makes music and theatre productions with such important artists as the singers Simone Cristicchi, Lucio Dalla, Giulio Casale, Shel Shapiro, Antonella Ruggiero, Eugenio Bennato, the Oscar-awarded pianist Luis Bacalov, the rapper Piotta; the actors Michele Placido, Isabella Ferrari, Valentina Lodovini, David Riondino, Marco Alemanno, Ennio Fantastichini, Federica Vincenti, Brenda Lodigiani.
In 2009 he starts his cinema activity coproducing with RAI (Italian Radio and TV Broadcast), directed by Felice Cappa, the following titles: "Anna Politkovskaia", with Ottavia Piccolo, "Raccontare Chopin", with Corrado Augias and Giuseppe Modugno, "Binario 21" with Moni Ovadia (that has received the special-mention award Prix Italia). He's coproducer of the documnetary (again with RAI) "È stato morto un ragazzo" directed by Filippo Vendemmiati (that has won Bari Film Festival and has been awarded a David di Donatello) and the musical based on the political play "Magazzino 18" by and with Simone Cristicchi. With the director Cosimo Damiano Damato he has produced "Io sono il teatro" with Arnoldo Foà and "Prapatapumpa" with Renzo Arbore, Lucio Dalla, Marco Alemanno, Moni Ovadia, Lunetta Savino, Teresa De Sio.
The cinema productions of Corvino Produzioni have been broadcasted by Rai 1, Rai 2, Rai 3 e Rai 5.

Luca Elmi
Art. Dir. of Festival del Cinema di Porretta Terme

Luca Elmi is the director of FCP - Festival del cinema di Porretta since 2012, although he has collaborated on the festival since its first edition in 2001. Besides being the production inspector for Pupi Avati's movie "Una sconfinata giovinezza", he has edited various publications for the publishing house "I quaderni del Battello Ebbro". He has been the contestant selector for the "Cinevasioni Film Festival".

Andrea Tagliavini
Anna Di Francesco
Anna Linsalata
Annaflavia Bianchi
Clara Rodolfi
Claudia Serafini
Daniele Canini
Deano Giunchi
Debora Ronchi
Francesca Parry
Laura Castellani
Marco Bernardi
Marina Cerda Bernabeu
Michele Ghiselli
Monna Frida Moatemri
Nino Celli
Omar Ridolfi
Paolo Pini
Patrizia Bacci
Patrycja Kucinska
Roberto Baroncini
Rebecca Cupioli
Robin Vanzo
Rossella Salvi
Sabrina Ricci
Serena Macrelli
Valentina Marini
Yasser Soave