April 26th, Cinema Tiberio, Rimini (Italy)
Title: Fantasia
Author: Teemu Nikki
Country: Finlandia
Year of production: 2016
Title: Zu Zahm!
Author: Rebecca Blöcher
Country: Germania
Year of production: 2016
Title: Ringo Rocket Star and His Song
Author: Rene Nuijens
Country: Olanda / Serbia
Year of production: 2017
Title: Retouch
Author: Kaveh Mazaheri
Country: Iran
Year of production: 2017
Title: Le Fruit Du Désir
Author: Thierry Pradervand
Country: Svizzera
Year of production: 2016
Title: Titan
Author: Álvaro González
Country: Spagna
Year of production: 2015
Title: Zero mm
Author: Semaa Samir
Country: Iraq
Year of production: 2017
Title: Buffet
Author: Alessandro D'Ambrosi and Santa De Santis
Country: Italia
Year of production: 2016
Title: Happy End
Author: Jan Saska
Country: Repubblica Ceca
Year of production: 2015
Title: Happy Valentine's Day
Author: Neymarc Brothers
Country: USA
Year of production: 2018