July 26th, Grand Hotel - Sala Leonardo, Rimini (Italy)
Title: Disco
Author: Boris Seewald
Country: Germania
Year of production: 2016
Title: Fugazi
Author: Laurent Michelet
Country: Belgio
Year of production: 2017
Title: Martien
Author: Maxime Pillonel
Country: Svizzera
Year of production: 2017
Title: Penalty
Author: Aldo Iuliano
Country: Italia
Year of production: 2016
Title: The Coup: A Small Cleptomanicx Adventure
Author: Fabian Driehorst and Frιdιric Schuld
Country: Germania
Year of production: 2015
Title: Light
Author: Reza Golchin
Country: Iran
Year of production: 2017
Title: Slovo / Farewell
Author: Leon Vidmar
Country: Slovenia
Year of production: 2016
Title: Next
Author: Elena Brodach
Country: Russia
Year of production: 2016
Title: Life Smartphone
Author: Cheng Lin Xie
Country: Cina
Year of production: 2015
Title: The Jacket
Author: Sergio Vaccaro
Country: USA
Year of production: 2017