June 28th, Cinema Tiberio, Rimini (Italy)
Title: Parque
Author: Mateo Garlo
Country: Spagna
Year of production: 2015
Title: Mattia sa volare
Author: Alessandro Porzio
Country: Italia
Year of production: 2016
Title: Icki
Author: Parastoo Cardgar
Country: Iran
Year of production: 2017
Title: Basura
Author: Juan Silva
Country: Spagna
Year of production: 2016
Title: P
Author: Marcus Hanischy
Country: Germania
Year of production: 2017
Title: Le M้c่ne
Author: Lionel Auguste
Country: Francia
Year of production: 2015
Title: Delicatessen
Author: Fenglin Chen
Country: USA
Year of production: 2017
Title: O robovima i robotima
Author: Milo Tomic
Country: Serbia
Year of production: 2016
Title: Kapunka
Author: Tal Greenberg
Country: Israele
Year of production: 2015
Title: Virtual Actors in Chinese Opera
Author: Tobias Gremmler
Country: Hong Kong
Year of production: 2016